We optimize the performance of your WordPress website

Visitors who have to wait go straight to your competitors. This leads to high bounce rates and lost sales. We optimize the performance of your WordPress website - and thus increase your conversation rate.

We have experience with all German hosters and help you choose a fast server

Choosing a reliable host is often neglected, and a fast server is one of the key components of any successful website. Efficient hosting requires experience and know-how. We have experience with all major German hosters and are happy to help you choose the perfect server for your WordPress website or your WooCommerce shop.

Hoster move

There are a few things to consider when moving to a new hosting provider. If the move to a new provider is necessary in order to increase the performance of your WordPress website, we will help you. We transfer your WordPress installation including all files to your new provider. We will also set up the database for you and import the database content of your WordPress website or your WooCommerce shop.

PHP upgrade

New PHP versions are actively supported for about two years. During this time, errors and security gaps are corrected at regular intervals. In the following twelve months, only critical security gaps are closed. After that, the support will be completely discontinued. If you are still using PHP 7.2 or a previous version, you should start switching to version 7.4 or 8 as soon as possible.

The PHP upgrade not only makes your WordPress website or WooCommerce shop more secure, but also significantly faster. PHP operations require fewer resources, and in particular the CPU processing power can be reduced considerably. At the same time, the new version is more economical in terms of memory consumption. This means that twice the number of operations can be performed with the same server performance. This is clearly noticeable in the loading time of your website and therefore also has a positive effect on your Google ranking.

Upgrading to a new PHP version can lead to unforeseen difficulties. Therefore, we first transfer your website to a development environment in order to test the new version there. If everything works, we will carry out the PHP upgrade on your server. Then we update the WordPress core as well as the installed plugins, themes and language files.

Reduction of HTTP requests and data volumes

An important goal in optimizing the performance of your WordPress website is to send as little data as possible to the client and to send only a few requests to the server. We have a lot of experience in reducing HTTP requests and data volumes by combining and compressing resources without loss.

Output and browser caching

WordPress websites are dynamic. Each time a page is viewed, requests are sent to the server, files are loaded and data is generated. This costs server resources and thus valuable time. With output caching, the output is generated before the visitor calls up the website and cached on the server. That increases the speed enormously. So that the browser does not keep downloading static resources even though they have not changed since the last time they were accessed, we activate browser caching and control it via expire dates.

Results that are measurable

Before we start implementing our measures, we measure the loading times of your WordPress website or your online shop. We also determine the Google PageSpeed Insight Scores for mobile devices and desktops. This leads to objective results that are measurable and verifiable.